why a peeler from dxd?

Find out what makes us different.

  • Innovative construction

    Nasza maszyna O.E 3.0 to przede wszystkim nowa innowacyjna konstrukcja! Rozwiązania jakie zastosowaliśmy sprawiają, że jest to najbardziej wydajna maszyna na rynku. Bez udziwnień, niepotrzebnej elektroniki. Co jest najważniejsze? Brak konieczności sortowania cebuli!

  • Highest efficiency

    Wyjątkowość naszej maszyny stanowi bardzo wysoka wydajność do 160 cebuli/minutę oraz szeroki zakres średnicy od 35 mm do 80 mm i to bez potrzeby dodatkowej kalibracji. W porównaniu do innych maszyn wypada świetnie!

  • Simple service

    Through the automated work cycle, we reduced the number of people needed to operate the machine to a minimum. We can also save on creating additional jobs because you do not need people sorting onions!

  • Saving

    To sum up all the advantages of our machine, we can finally say that it is a thrifty machine! Low power consumption, low waste, minimized number of employees - more money is left in your pocket!


See how Onion Express looks at the trade show and at work!



Discover the history of our company.

DXD Sp. z o.o. it was created from the combination of knowledge and experience of companies existing on the market for 10 years, one of them was active in the production industry (machinery and equipment) and the other one was involved in servicing of onion peeling machines for many years. Knowledge of the customer's needs and disadvantages with existing onion peeling machines allowed us to design an almost perfect machine. ... a machine that the constructor's intention is to operate and earn on himself. Machines that are devoid of all-encompassing, but also defective electronics ... ... and finally a machine that is not a copy of the existing ones, but our native production, which is designed to successfully improve the process of onion processing in Poland and in the world.
  • 160

    Onions for a minute

  • 35-80mm

    Sizes of onions

  • Nawet 0,6-0,8

    Tony for an hour

  • 4-6

    Operation of the machine


Find out what they say about our machine...


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